Friday, March 28, 2014

The genius of the musicians who started calling each other “MAN”

The genius of the musicians who started calling each other “MAN” realized the concept of self-image. We need to stop the use of the “N” word our collective self-image suffers from this use. It is no wonder that we have our youth killing each other we feel no self-worth. That's not cool, man.

The word negar   is pronounced "nigger “emerged from the word "vinegar". The word was used by Queen Elizabeth I, (Britain's first Slave Trader) who blamed the 'great numbers of negars and blackamoors' for consuming food in time of shortage, but this tells us only about the queen's need to justify her role in the slave trade, not about Black people's poverty.

In her role as Head of the Church of England - a position that all British monarchs have held since it was founded by Henry VIII in the 1530s the Church effectively gave their blessing to the destruction of tens of millions of Africans by declaring Africans had no soul. This gave the British a license to mutilate, rape, kidnap and murder Africans without any fear of eternal damnation.

In 1564 Queen Elizabeth started the British Slave Trade providing John Hawkins of Plymouth, "The good ship Jesus". John Hawkins is widely recognized as the founder of the English slave trade, because he was the first to run the Triangular trade, making a profit at every stop, the Queen partnered with Hawkins.

Once again John Rolfe who bought the first African slaves imported into Virginia in 1619 used the word. “…there came in a Dutch man-of-war that sold us twenty negars" The queen’s derogatory English!